Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First day of school reactions

It was my first day of school today (Tuesday) and it's hard to nail down my thoughts about how I feel. So I guess it would be best to talk about all of it.

My alarm went of at 5:30am this morning, I woke up at 6:00am. Had breakfast, did my hair, got dressed and all that lovely stuff. Then my mother, in all her nostalgic glory made me pose for a picture. It was cold and she made me take off my jacket to see what I was wearing, I froze. Then I ran off and walked to school with a friend, it was fun we caught up and made it through the rain (okay it was mist but my hair still got wet).

We got to school and it was filled with grade nines! It's like little short people were infested in our school. And they knew nothing about hallway etiquette. I made my own set of hallway rules at the beginning of grade nine because it is the worst thing in the world to get in the way of someone older than you. These grade nines knew nothing, we had to push through the foyer just to enter the school.

My first class was math, eugh. I usually don't like math but today was okay we chose lockers and did some review from a textbook. Which is weird because we normally don't get textbooks because we can't afford them. I could go on a whole rant about lockers and their locations but I'll save that for later. My locker is in a main hallway, which isn't really good in a sense but it's convenient for me.

Then I had science, lunch, civics, and french. I could honestly rant for many a paragraphs about civics but I'll let you off now :)

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