Monday, June 20, 2011

News and Such

Hello All!

I have news for you! A couple of things for you actually! Well, two actually actually. XD

Firstly, it's exams! But you knew that already correct? Yes! Now let's add the newest bit of news into an already stressful mix. It's called a root canal. Ugh, right? I found out not too long ago actually, I just returned from the dentist you see. Where they mummified my tooth (it's the back bottom left by the way) and I have to go back in 3 weeks and get the procedure done. Here's the part that kills me, when we come back from the cottage is the appointment to get it done but when we leave for the cottage is when DH Part 2 comes out. So instead of seeing it, I'll be having a root canal FML.

Needless to say I am a little nervous! But I did okay because I was listening to Wizard Wrock on my iPod!

Haven't had much time to write but I have done a lot of reading lately, once exams are over I'll go on a stint for you all and write like crazy!

Now I'll go back to studying with a half numb mouth! See you!
