Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A small reccomendation

Hey all,

Came across an old video on YouTube I favorited a while ago and I rewatched it and cried :)

The video is called: Harry Potter | Marchin' On. It's basically a video with clips of Harry Potter films to the One Republic song Marchin' On. It is the best Harry Potter Video ever, like it's in my top 10 for sure. Previously it was being petitioned to being put after the end of DH Part 2, and sadly it didn't make it. But I still recommend watching it because it is a perfect definition of the Harry Potter series (movies and books, people)

I have it down here...

But I think that you should head over to the YouTube page of the video and leave a comment and like it, it deserves it!

To quote one of the comments on the page:

Thank you for my childhood, J.K. -RobertPattinson1992

That is what all the fans are thinking probably and it's sad to see this wonderful era in literature and film end, but in a sense it never will. With FanFiction, Fan Art, and websites like Mugglenet.com and Leaky the Harry Potter series will live forever. Then when we are older we can look back and say that we were a part of it. I may have came in later than I wanted now (I wish I was a fan before!!! I literally want to go back in time and make myself love it!) its a part of me.

This sounds like it will be my last Harry Potter word, well I am telling you that it won't, I think that I will always love Harry Potter and never stop.

At the time of this post the countdown to DH Part 2 is: 37 days 7 hours 14 minutes and 30 seconds.

See ya
