Monday, August 29, 2011

The Imagination=Motivation theory


So what is the Imagination=Motivation theory exactly? It is the theory that if one imagines it hard enough, said thing will happen. I'm here to tell you that there is a little more to it.

As a seasoned day dreamer I have had many ideas fly around me in my life, when think about a story I skip some major parts in the process in my head. That brings about a high of confidence that I imagine being successful and famous. So I try, but I am terrible at planning stories or writing long bits of work. I'm on a short term brain so I can't bunker down a write a whole novel. At lease not right now anyways.

I guess that's why being a journalist is good fro me right now, I have deadlines and structure so I can work easier with that than freelancing. The same can be said for blogging, I write about what I know to you and do it quickly. The difference between those two things is that blogging doesn't happen often anymore (although I am trying( and on Wizarding life I get published every week.

Which brings me back to my theory, does Imagination=Motivation? Sometimes, I had dreamed about what it would be like to work for Wizarding Life and I guess they liked my writing enough to accept me. I had also dreamed about being a famous blogger, but look what's happened since. I think other people are the key to this. I have an editor who supports me, along with other writers and my boss. My blog is just me, myself, and I.

It takes real work to make things happen, obviously I need to leave my computer to clean my room, which takes effort. Making an effort in other things will, in the long run, help me get things done.

So here's your tidbit of "wisdom" (or plain common sense) for the day. I hope to write to you again soon!


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