Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Where can you find me?

So lately I have signed up for a plethora of internet sites that are popular for the rest of the world. So I now present to you everywhere I am on the internet.

Daily Booth:

Yeppers. Feel free to check me out over there!

15 days!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tired n_n


I am super tired today which is Sunday June 26th 2011. Yesterday I watched a friend's dance show (which was awesome) and today I need to study for my english exam. Although eveything is distracting XP! Especially the fact that when I am done the exam I am going to have a sleepover and then go to Wonderland the next day!

Yeah, I may go and fall asleep now.

Oh yeah, one more thing. With the new HP movie coming everyone is rushing to reread the books for it and rewatch the movies. I myself am taking part in the movie challenge and I bought a special edition of HP1, but I bought it in Blue Ray by accident. I don't own Blue Ray so right now it is useless...

Well I am going to go and watch OOTP now.



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

One Day More

Ahh, the song from Les Miserables. One day more is really the song of the moment for me right now! One more day until finals start (they start on wed), and one more day until we find out what Pottermore is! We have heard many guesses from a social network, to an encyclopedia, to an MMORPG. I am personally hoping for an MMORPG because that would be awesome, or maybe an encyclopedia because she did sue a guy who tried to make an unofficial one but because of the lawsuit had to stop so she owes us one!

Anyways, the main reason I am writing to you today, my friends, is because of a new person I found online who is awesome!

Her name is carla keane (link in her name), she has a blog and a YouTube so you should check her out! She loves Harry Potter like me, but isn't as obsessed. XD


Also in celebration of the last days of school and the new Potter movie I've been going around the school with a red marker. If you've watched Scarhead you would remember that Lauren vandalized a poster with a red marker saying "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the heir...beware." Well I did that to a few of the girls bathroom stalls, with washable marker of course (I'm no criminal!). I also wrote hearts that say you're beautiful with the hopes that a girl with low self esteem will read it and it will brighten their day. Recently (meaning today) I got my hands on a piece of chalk where of the outside of a stall door I drew a big heart with your beautiful in it and on the inside I wrote "I hope you have a Magical Summer!", I'm no artist but they looked awesome! I wish I took a picture of them because today is the last day and tomorrow we have have an exam along with with the rest of the week and next monday.

So I hope your Summer is MAGICAL!


PS. Who loves the HP tv spots? i do!

Monday, June 20, 2011

News and Such

Hello All!

I have news for you! A couple of things for you actually! Well, two actually actually. XD

Firstly, it's exams! But you knew that already correct? Yes! Now let's add the newest bit of news into an already stressful mix. It's called a root canal. Ugh, right? I found out not too long ago actually, I just returned from the dentist you see. Where they mummified my tooth (it's the back bottom left by the way) and I have to go back in 3 weeks and get the procedure done. Here's the part that kills me, when we come back from the cottage is the appointment to get it done but when we leave for the cottage is when DH Part 2 comes out. So instead of seeing it, I'll be having a root canal FML.

Needless to say I am a little nervous! But I did okay because I was listening to Wizard Wrock on my iPod!

Haven't had much time to write but I have done a lot of reading lately, once exams are over I'll go on a stint for you all and write like crazy!

Now I'll go back to studying with a half numb mouth! See you!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Wizzies - LAST Voting Round!

The Wizzies - LAST Voting Round!

If you love wizard wrock as much as I do you need to click that link! Doing so will take you to which is a fan site for Harry Potter. The wizzies are awards for wizard wrock bands to win, and they have many categories including: Best Album, best male vocals, best female vocals, best album artwork, and more. It is the last round before we find out the winners so go and vote!

By the way, who is pumped for PotterMore???? I am!! I can't wait for Thursday to arrive! Even though I have an exam that day :(

Anyway hope you are having a magical day!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

…on DailyBooth

Because I had to show you all… on DailyBooth

Yeah there's my latest snap on DailyBooth, so if you want you can head over and stalk me even more by seeing the pictures I like XD

Yep, I just wanted to let you know that.

~ Jasmine

Ps It's crazy storming here! Ah! The lightning!! *dives under bed with laptop hoping the power doesn't die!*

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A small reccomendation

Hey all,

Came across an old video on YouTube I favorited a while ago and I rewatched it and cried :)

The video is called: Harry Potter | Marchin' On. It's basically a video with clips of Harry Potter films to the One Republic song Marchin' On. It is the best Harry Potter Video ever, like it's in my top 10 for sure. Previously it was being petitioned to being put after the end of DH Part 2, and sadly it didn't make it. But I still recommend watching it because it is a perfect definition of the Harry Potter series (movies and books, people)

I have it down here...

But I think that you should head over to the YouTube page of the video and leave a comment and like it, it deserves it!

To quote one of the comments on the page:

Thank you for my childhood, J.K. -RobertPattinson1992

That is what all the fans are thinking probably and it's sad to see this wonderful era in literature and film end, but in a sense it never will. With FanFiction, Fan Art, and websites like and Leaky the Harry Potter series will live forever. Then when we are older we can look back and say that we were a part of it. I may have came in later than I wanted now (I wish I was a fan before!!! I literally want to go back in time and make myself love it!) its a part of me.

This sounds like it will be my last Harry Potter word, well I am telling you that it won't, I think that I will always love Harry Potter and never stop.

At the time of this post the countdown to DH Part 2 is: 37 days 7 hours 14 minutes and 30 seconds.

See ya


Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Wrock Song!

From requests from people on I am posting the Lyrics to my very first Wrock song as A Portrait from Hogwarts. I write wrock songs from the Portraits point of view, so this first one is called "The Fat Lady" and I think you know who it's about! So here it is!

I know a portrait
It acts like a door
It guards the house of
Godric Gryffindor
She is really big
And kind of likes to sing
She's scared of Sirius Black
And makes my ears ring

The fat lady
She's kind of crazy
But she's a guard through and through
She is so great
And never stays up late
She would never let in "You-Know-Who"

She almost never leaves her post
Except to see Violet
Who had drinking parties
Which she'd host
Harry Potter
Would always wake her up
And she'd yell at him
Cause she's really tough!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

The fat lady
She's kind of crazy
But she's a guard through and through
She is so great
And never stays up late
She would never let in "You-Know-Who"

She's better than Sir Cadogan 
That knoght was a nothin'
She may be fat
But be ready when she attacks
Cause baby when she's irate
She'll set you straight
She gives firsties jitters
1, 2, 3, Banana Fritters!

The fat lady
She's kind of crazy
But she's a guard through and through
She is so great
And never stays up late
She would never let in "You-Know-Who"

La la la la la la (fades with la la la's)

I hope you like it!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What am I doing now?

Well I was home ill today :( which seriously has brought me down on the happiness scale. But I plan o revamping this blog again to reflect the new image I intend on bringing to here. What's the status on blog number 2? Unknown for now. But I'll let you know when!

FanFiction reading gets a little over whelming sometimes, as today it was much.  Usually it is shown by my computer freezing (which is rare) them I lose everything. I hate when google chrome is like that, but it is just an opportunity to discover new fics instead so I take it in stride.

I am also fortunate to have received the Canada Cord last night, which was a great honor!

So now I leave you with hopes of a better day tomorrow :)
